The Silk Pledge 2024/25


The SST are to be running the Pledge again this season 2024/25. The aim of the scheme, like most of the Silkmen Supporters’ Trust activities, is to raise money to help Macclesfield F C and its fans. Last year we were able to generate over £1550 thank to the participation and generosity of all our pledgers. Thank you so much for all of you who got involved. Most of our pledges are dependent on the club’s success on the pitch and obviously despite our last match play off disappointment last season, the Silk Pledge was very successful. I am sure that we all expect this season to be just as tough, if not tougher. 



The pledges are already coming in for the season ahead, but we need as many new pledgers as we can.  For those of you who have regularly participated and have enjoyed the pledge, please  help us spread the word and increase involvement across the fan base. 


For those who haven’t got involved before, here’s your opportunity. It’s a fun way to help the trust directly related to the actual performance on the pitch. We do hope you can join in.


This is how it works:


We ask you the supporters, to pledge amounts e.g £0.10, £0.25, £0.50, £1.00 or more under various headings such as clean sheets, various players scoring goals, team goals, team points, team wins, penalties scored and saved, promotion and any other sensible pledges which you think are fun to make. The more ‘bizarre’ the better – but only as long as I can keep a track of it! Of course, we also will expect the regular pledges for Alty defeats (always a pleasure to see this doing well!)


All pledges will be based on 1st team games in the League, FA Cup, and in the FA Trophy (unless you specify differently) and will run from the first league or Cup game of the season.


We will keep a track of the pledges throughout the season. Pledgers may have their name and details (not amounts ) of their pledges in the match programme and also on the SST website. 



If you are interested in joining the people below in supporting the Silk Pledge you can get an application form from the link below, via email at


Please return completed forms to   or by post to 6 Park Avenue, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1QY



John Abbott



Silk Pledge Application Form 24/25
Silk Pledge Application 24-25.docx
Microsoft Word document [15.7 KB]

Make Your Pledge Payment via PayPal

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