News From 2020 (Part 2)

14th October 2020


Silkmen Supporters Trust Statement


Firstly may I take this opportunity offer both old and new members of the SST my sincere thanks for joining together on our journey to a bright new future for our beloved Silkmen. The SST will only get stronger with the more members that we have, and the recent surge in membership has been so amazing to witness. 


We would now like to take this opportunity to congratulate Rob Smethurst on his acquisition of the assets of Macclesfield Town football club today. We  were very impressed with what he had to say during yesterday’s press conference, and would like to make it clear that it is our intention to engage with Rob on a face to face as soon as possible to help to establish an enduring dialogue to the long term benefit of our Phoenix Club. We will then of course provide feedback as soon as possible.


We were absolutely delighted to learn of the news that our very own magic man; the iconic midfield maestro that is Daniel Philip Whitaker is to be the first ever manager of our phoenix club. Danny has not only proven to be a fantastic servant to the football club on the field, where he has developed the sort of legendary status akin to ‘Sir’ John Askey; he is also a really nice guy who is incredibly humble, and really deserves his chance to manage the club that he loves so much. 


We are very keen to receive your views on how the SST can be more inclusive and effective. As a consequence, we are delighted that we can now provide the opportunity for Trust members to share their thoughts ideas and comments about how we can improve as a Trust via the link to the left hand side of the home page of the SST website entitled  ‘We welcome your Thoughts and Comments.’  


There are many ways that the SST can improve its inclusivity and effectiveness, especially by involving a wide range of people in SST activities, Going forward it is will be a challenge to redevelop our new club and we need active engagement by many fans, embraced by the idiom of ‘many hands make light work’. With this in mind and to facilitate this improved efficacy, the SST needs to develop a number of sub-groups in areas such as finance, marketing, fan liaison, membership, communication, legal issues and engaging with the local authorities.  We will further refine this list in terms of club-facing requirements after discussions with the owner. All these groups would feed into an overarching SST board. We will be appealing for volunteers in the near future but if you think you can help in any of these areas please provide your contact details, and indicate in what area you feel that you will be able to make a valued contribution by going to 


We would like to to get your views as to what name that you as fellow Trust members believe is most representative of a supporters group for the Silkmen faithful. People can send their suggestions in to  by  22nd October 2020, and we will then undertake a poll to determine the most successful of the suggestions provided. It is important to note that  even if the name is changed, we would retain our Supporters Trust status and details of the Silk lotto, bank details, etc would remain unchanged. We would also, remain under the governance of the Football Supporters Association (FSA). We are also acutely aware of the need to have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the near future, but feel that some leeway is required in view of the current fluidity of the situation regarding our beloved club. We have approached the Football Supporters Association (FSA) can support us regarding the proposed delay until a time where we have had the opportunity to engage proactively with the new regime.



The  ‘wish list’ tread on Wraggs to Riches provided some very useful food for thought for the SST board, and we are now looking at what our fellow Trust members would most like to engage within a crowd funder initiative as we move forward as a club. With this in mind we would be grateful if you would post your suggestions by 22nd  October 2020 as to what causes you would most like for us to crowdfund for. This can be done by going to home page and placing your suggestions in the ‘We welcome your Thoughts and Comments’ box.


There clearly has to be some benefits for being a member of the Trust, and so we are exploring a number of avenues that would emphasise the importance of your membership. Please keep your eyes peeled for an update on this in the very near future. The time has come for us to look forward rather than backwards, and the next few years could prove to be one heck of an exciting journey back up the football pyramid, so are you ready to join together to provide a unified supporters group to evoke change and shape the future?





Andy Worth,


Chairperson of the Silkmen Supporters Trust



13th October 2020


Latest Statement From The New Owner Of Macclesfield Football Club


A full statement from the new owner of Macclesfield Football Club



6th October 2020


An Addition to the Statement


The SST have been contacted by Mr Rob Smethurst who states it is he who is buying the club not ProFootball Academy. He believes the transfer of assets will be completed by Friday. He would like to reassure fans that his aspiration for the new Macclesfield Town is for the team to climb the leagues to its natural position.


He wants to meet with fans as soon as feasible and he wishes it to be known that he is a Macc lad!



6th October 2020


Silkmen Supporters Trust Statement


Discussions have been ongoing between a number of parties about the future of the Moss Rose and Macclesfield Town FC. We note from Twitter today that it appears that Rob Smethurst has purchased the assets of the club. We look forward to meeting with Rob in the coming days to fully understand his plans for our club. 


The Silkmen Supporters Trust wish the MTFC fans voice to be heard.  In this respect we desire that the new management’s objectives will include:


  • The club’s aspiration will be to climb the football league                  pyramid back to a position in the National League/League2.
  • We have a team that the town of Macclesfield can be proud             of, that we can fully support, playing at the Moss Rose.
  • A club where volunteers know their contributions are both             valued and contributes directly to the club’s footballing and            community aspirations.
  • In the context of running the club, we want owners that                    place the successful running of the first team, the fans                    experience and integration with the community as the top              priorities.
  • A match day experience to enjoy, in a comfortable and safe           stadium, with appropriate facilities including all levels of                 hospitality.
  • Genuine fan input into the running of the club with clear                 and  regular communication with all fans that will ensure a             highly productive collaboration.
  • A club where sponsors are made welcome and feel they are           contributing to the club’s success.
  • A successful academy programme within the club, that                   contributes to community integration, to the match day                   experience and to the development of young footballers,                 including supplying players for the first team.
  • Specific encouragement of young supporters to come to                 the  matches.


Following the recent liquidation the fans do not want owners who:


Place the club in financial difficulties and take money out of the club.


Join the SST

The S.S.T. would not exist without your support.  Please join us and help to  make a difference to your football club. You can find the forms that you need to join here

Our Mission

The Silkmen Supporters’ Trust is committed to the improvement and development of Macclesfield FC by working in partnership with the Club, the fans and the community to the mutual benefit of all.

The SST Online 50/50


The SST 50/50 Draw

The winning ticket from today's  Saturday 8th February 2025 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against Mickleover FC was 61119.

The prize was £500.00 and has been claimed.


The winning ticket from Saturday 11th January 2024 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against FC United of Maqnchester was 67405.

The prize was £439.00 and has not   been claimed.


.If you have the winning ticket please contact any board member or email 

Our Postal Address

Silkmen Supporters' Trust

c/o SST Secretary

3 Lincoln Place

Upton Priory



SK10 3EW

New Photographs

Copyright of Chelsie Wilson

(Thank you on behalf of the SST)


If you have ideas about fundraising for SST, projects that SST could get involved in or suggestions for the website please contact SST via our Contact page


Member of the Football Supporters Association



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