Data Privacy Statement for Silkmen Supporters’ Trust Members


Personal data


When you join the Silkmen Supporters Trust, we will keep some data about you. This is “personal data”, because it is about you as a particular person, and it can be linked to you.


What personal data do we hold?


The Silkmen Supporters Trust will keep personal data about you in one or more of the following ways:


  • The Application Form filled in as part of the joining process by you or the Membership Secretary - this records your name, address, contact details and membership type


  • Our Digitised Database - this holds your name, address, contact details, membership number, type of membership and the membership renewal date.


  • Our Communications Database - this holds your name, membership number and e-mail address



How is your personal data kept safe?


  • Your Application form is kept by the Membership Secretary. 


  • The Digitised Database is held on a personal computer by the Membership Secretary. It is also stored in an on-line secure database which can only be accessed by a log in and a password.


  • The Communications Database is in an on-line secure database.  This can only be accessed with a log in and password.


What is your data used for?


Your data is only used for purposes directly relating to your membership:


To provide you with information regarding the work of the Supporters Trust, including membership renewal and or requests for assistance.



Does the SST have a right to your data?


Under Data Protection legislation, the SST needs to have a “lawful basis” for keeping your data, and for using it. There are several types of “lawful basis”.One of them is called “contract performance”.


You have paid to become a member of the Silkmen Supporters Trust, an organisation whose aims are to support Macclesfield Town Football Club and its supporters. As part of your membership we update you with our work, how we spend the money raised and provide you with other information relevant to our work on behalf of Macclesfield Town Football Club. That is why the lawful basis for holding your data is contract performance.


Who can see your data?


The only people who have access to your data are the Communications Officer and the Membership Secretary. We are as careful as possible to make sure no one else has access to your data. 


How long will your data be kept?


Your data is kept while you are an SST Member. If you stop being a member, we will keep your data for two years, after which your information will be destroyed.


Who can you speak to if you have questions?


If you have questions about your data, and what we do with it, you should contact


What rights do you have?


You have a number of rights under Data Protection legislation:


1. Right to know what data we hold

You have a right to know what personal data we hold about you. This Data Privacy Statement describes the data that we will hold. But you can ask if we have any other data about you which is not covered by this Data Privacy Statement.


2. Right to have a copy of the data we hold

You can ask for a copy of the data we hold about you. This is called a “subject access request”. 
If you make a “subject access request”, we will give you a copy of all the data we hold about you.
We will do this within one month.  If it helps, we will give you the data in a computer file.


3. Right to object

You can object if you think we are using your data in the wrong way. You can also object if you think we don’t have “lawful grounds” for using your data. We will give you a statement explaining why we use your data and explaining the “lawful grounds”.
If you are still not happy, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.
If we find we are using your data in the wrong way, we will stop immediately and stop it happening again.


4. Right to have your data corrected


If you think there is a mistake in your data, please tell us.  You have a right to have it corrected. We may need to check what is the correct data, but will put right any mistakes as soon as possible.


5. Right to be forgotten

We promise to remove two years after the expiry of your membership.  You have a right for this to happen, because after that time we assume you no longer wish to be a member. 


Finally, if anything happened to your data that could be a risk to you, we will do our best to tell you.


Join the SST

The S.S.T. would not exist without your support.  Please join us and help to  make a difference to your football club. You can find the forms that you need to join here

Our Mission

The Silkmen Supporters’ Trust is committed to the improvement and development of Macclesfield FC by working in partnership with the Club, the fans and the community to the mutual benefit of all.

The SST Online 50/50


The SST 50/50 Draw

The winning ticket from today's  Saturday 8th February 2025 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against Mickleover FC was 61119.

The prize was £500.00 and has been claimed.


The winning ticket from Saturday 11th January 2024 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against FC United of Maqnchester was 67405.

The prize was £439.00 and has not   been claimed.


.If you have the winning ticket please contact any board member or email 

Our Postal Address

Silkmen Supporters' Trust

c/o SST Secretary

3 Lincoln Place

Upton Priory



SK10 3EW

New Photographs

Copyright of Chelsie Wilson

(Thank you on behalf of the SST)


If you have ideas about fundraising for SST, projects that SST could get involved in or suggestions for the website please contact SST via our Contact page


Member of the Football Supporters Association



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