Hyde United Football Club







Hyde United Football Club
The Project Solar Stadium
Walker Lane
SK14 5PL

Ground:- The Project Shaolwar Stadium


Ground Capacity:- 4250


Highest Attendance Last Season:- 1473


Lowest Attendance Last Season:-  261


Average Attendance Last Season:- 660



Ticket Prices:



Adult                       £12

Concession            £8

Students & (17-18) £8

Youth (12-16)          £6

Under 12 Accompanied -  £1



Adult                       £13

Concession            £9

Students  (17-18)   £9

Youth (12-16)          £7

Under 13 Accompanied -  £2




Leave Macclesfield via the Silk Road north through Poynton, and then the main Fiveways traffic light, and approach  Hazel Grove.


At the first set of traffic lights in Hazel Grove which meets the Buxton road turn slightly left onto London Road. After 285 yards at the next set of traffic lights turn right onto Torkington Road


After 1.6 miles turn right onto Marple Road and then after 225 yards

turn left onto Dooley Lane. After 2.2 miles turn right onto Hyde Road.


After 1.3 miies keep left onto Dowson Road and then after 0.7 miles turn right onto Market Street. After 300 yards at the round-a-bout take the second exit  to Smithy Lane.


After 95 yards turn left onto Lumn Road and then after 330 yards turn right into Walker Lane. 


After 100 yards the ground is on the left.


Join the SST

The S.S.T. would not exist without your support.  Please join us and help to  make a difference to your football club. You can find the forms that you need to join here

Our Mission

The Silkmen Supporters’ Trust is committed to the improvement and development of Macclesfield FC by working in partnership with the Club, the fans and the community to the mutual benefit of all.

The SST Online 50/50


The SST 50/50 Draw

The winning ticket from today's  Saturday 8th February 2025 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against Mickleover FC was 61119.

The prize was £500.00 and has been claimed.


The winning ticket from Saturday 11th January 2024 Northern Premier League - Premier Division match against FC United of Maqnchester was 67405.

The prize was £439.00 and has not   been claimed.


.If you have the winning ticket please contact any board member or email enquiries@sstrust.uk 

Our Postal Address

Silkmen Supporters' Trust

c/o SST Secretary

3 Lincoln Place

Upton Priory



SK10 3EW

New Photographs

Copyright of Chelsie Wilson

(Thank you on behalf of the SST)


If you have ideas about fundraising for SST, projects that SST could get involved in or suggestions for the website please contact SST via our Contact page


Member of the Football Supporters Association



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© Silkmen Supporters Trust